Get Your Dreambody
Lifestyle Coaching
Whether you want to lose weight, get toned, or eat healthier - Lisa will help you create a personalized nutrition and workout plan customized to reach your goal and keep you accountable with weekly check-ins and monthly calls.
Nutrition Coaching
Are your macros and supplements on point to reach your health and fitness goals? Lisa will calculate your macros and create a personalized nutrition plan that will include the foods you love to stay on track in the long run.
Nutrition & Training Combo
You will reach your health and fitness goals in no time with your personalized nutrition and fitness plan. Lisa will schedule a call with you to determine your goal and create a nutrition and training plan targeted to your unique needs and wants.
Personalized Fitness Plan
No time? No equipment? No problem! Lisa will create a personalized training plan to help you reach your goals. Your plan will be customized to your needs and take into account what equipment is available to you - no matter where you work out.
Online Assessment
Do you want to know whether your form is correct during your workouts? Are you using full range of motion? Schedule an assessment call to ensure you use proper form and alignment to get the most out of your training.
Fat Loss Workout (Minimal Equipment)
Drop excess body fat and get lean with minimal equipment and no steady-state cardio. This workout is ideal for busy women wanting to work out at home without spending hours getting their training done.
Dreambody Workout (Home Edition)
This workout will help you develop toned shoulders, a narrow waistline, and beautifully rounded glutes while tightening your arms and legs. Get your dreambody with this easy-to-follow home-workout plan.
Dreambody Workout (Gym Edition)
This workout will help you develop toned shoulders, a narrow waistline, and beautifully rounded glutes while tightening your arms and legs. Get your dreambody with this advanced gym edition.
Dreambody Fitness offers women scientifically proven ways to reach their health and fitness goals anywhere, anytime. Your coach, Lisa Davidson, is a certified nutrition and fitness expert specializing in weight loss, bodybuilding, and lifestyle fitness, delivering easy-to-follow approaches for busy women and moms.